Transport of a structure weighing 4,000 tonnes

In January, the construction of the first dock module weighing more than 4,000 tonnes took place in Szczecin. This took place and was carried out by the Szczecin Shipyard 'Wulkan’. The module is one of the three target parts of the 235.6-metre-long dock under construction, which will be capable of receiving docking vessels with a maximum weight of 24,000 tonnes. All three components will be assembled on the water. Transport took place from the Odra Nowa assembly yard to the transport barge Carrier 17 and, after its arrival at Drzetowski Quay, on to the OP-10 yard.
As Temporary Modular Roads, we submitted the most favourable bid for the comprehensive construction of the transport ramps for the SPMT self-propelled platforms, which were used to transport the dock construction via 132 axles. On the transport barge, we proposed and constructed the ramps from Metrum5 and Metrum3 road plates, while on the OP-10 yard we constructed the ramps from Metrum5XL (15cm thick), Metrum5, Metrum3 and Aluminium road plates in several layers. This solution made it possible to carry out the work safely and to transport what is probably the BIGGEST of its kind in Poland and one of the BIGGEST in Europe! We would like to thank Stocznia Szczecińska Wulkan Sp. z o.o. and Bedmet Sp. z o.o. for their trust and excellent cooperation on this project!